Bitten by Betrayal

A number of months ago, I was having brunch with two of my cousins.  At the end of the meal one of them handed me a book which has since become one of those books I will forever cherish.  The book was about being a woman who lived an uncommon...

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James 5

This Chapter will bring us to the conclusion of the book of James.  I have attempted to walk through this chapter by breaking it down into a number of sections.  Let’s get out our Bibles and walk through this together. James 5:1-6 This scripture follows the section in chapter 4,...

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James 4

Chapter 4  We begin this chapter with James now directing his thoughts to looking at the root of our conflicts with one another.  He says,”What causes wars, and what causes fightings among you?”.  Then he proceeds to answer it with another question, “Is it not your passions that are at war...

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James 3

James in this chapter speaks to the need for us to guard our words & for us to walk our lives through genuine wisdom. I. How we use our words reflects what is in us. Verses 3-6 NIV  says – “When we put bits into the mouths of horses to...

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James 2

Chapter 2 I find it so amazing to realize that in the center of the church being persecuted & believers laying their lives down for the cause of the Gospel, that James addresses such issues as he does in chapter 2.  For me, it is a reminder that difficult times...

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James 1

James Chapter 1 I have been wrestling a bit about where to begin our online Bible Study.  I have looked at a few possible books to start with, but my heart keeps coming back to the book of James. So, for the next few weeks that is where we are...

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