Our Mission:

To know Him. To love others. To serve the Nations.

Acts 1:8 tells us, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
It is the heart of Bethel Community Church to be empowered through His Holy Spirit. We know that all true ministry flows out of intimacy with Him. We recognize the need to be global in our vision and ministry, but we also see that we are required to love locally, as well.
The ministries that flow out of this place begin in the prayer closet. From that place, we attempt to serve our local community, to reach out to our province, our nation, and to go to the ends of the earth.
We know that God can and does great things with our little and we offer it to Him with full expectation of His Greatness being revealed.
The first ministry of Bethel Community Church is to minister to His heart. We seek for all that we do to arise out of that relationship and for the ministry that we offer to be empowered with His very Presence.


The Great Commission

“Go and make disiples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20



At Bethel, we desire to make an impact both globaly and locally. For a number of years, we have supported ministry to the Aboriginal people of Cape Breton. Although, it is presently walking through a time of transition, we continue to support this ministry. We believe God has a great plan for these precious people. We want to be a part of that plan.

Along with supporting Cape Breton ministry to the Aboriginal people, we wanted God’s heart for the people of Afton, as well. We began to seek Him about what He would have us do personally and He showed us with definite clarity. Giving us the opportunity for two summers to go into this local area to minister. During these two years we were able to run a children’s program, do clothing give aways, and have a community barbecue for the people of Afton. We were blessed. They are full of life and are such a joy to work with. We look forward to all that God has planned for the future and how we can bless them with His love and heart. Although, we have not been able to go this year, we continue to seek the Lord for His unfolding plan and direction for ministry to His tender ones.


Saint Vincent

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is a beautiful nation in the West Indies and is known as the Land of the Blessed. For the past number of years Bethel has been working with Seeds International & been sending short term missions teams into this nation. We are delighted to be a part of what God is doing there. The government has not only given us an open door into their school system, but have adopted the Seeds Discipleship Program as part of their school curriculum.

Each year we take teams into this nation for a couple of months and go to every Primary School. We present the grade 4 students with a Seed bag. Included in this bag are; pencils, crayons, a toy, New Testament, a handprint and picture of a child who has prayed for them, and a 14 week discipleship training book that will be taught to them in their school. The government trains the teachers to teach the students.

At present, we have a 10 year commitment into this nation with the government. The vision is that in 10 years, we will have had the opportunity of having had an impact on an entire generation. The Work of the Kingdom is an amazing adventure. We are now entering our tenth year. We are excited to see what God has for the years to come.



Bethel believes in the ministry of Michel & Louise Charbonneau who have given themselves to labour in Haiti for many years now. They have been in this country since 1996 and have endured much hardship, but have remained faithful to the Calling God has placed upon their lives & have served in this place with such sacrifice.

Michel & Louise lead a church, do prison ministry, operate a feeding program, run a clinic, and a child sponsoring program.

The need in Haiti remains great & we are privileged to partner with them in the work they do to make an eternal difference in the lives of the Haitian people.

Please check their ministry site @ https://www.haitiministries.com/