
Bethel has been called to stand with the Aboriginal people in this hour. We have done that through numerous means. In the past, we have conducted children’s ministries, and held clothing give aways. For a number of years, we stood by those who ministered to these precious people.
Bethel continues to believe in this ministry and stand with God’s tender ones. Presently, although this ministry is in transition, we continue to give. We believe our sacrifice has the power to impact a generation when God is in it. So, as this ministry transitions though a time of rebirthing, we ask that you would pray for God’s direction concerning Bethel’s ongoing role to bring His love to our Aboriginal families.
As we seek the Lord, we will continue to stand and support, both through giving to this ministry and through supporting church plants that will impact our local aboriginal peoples.

We really believe the Lord longs to come and minister hope and fresh life to the brokenness and pain of these wonderful people.
We celebrate the opportunity we have been given and look forward to what the Lord has planned for the future.