Philippians 1:27a

Day 30


Philippians 1:27a NIV

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.

Whatever takes place in my life, I, Freda, need to conduct myself in a manner that is worthy of the gospel of Christ.

Help me, Lord, to choose to lead my life in a manner that will honour and glorify you. In every season, whether in joy or in pain, may I live a life that is worthy of the gospel.  Cause me to be intentional in my actions.  Empower me to not allow my circumstances to dictate my response, but may godliness be my response in each of the challenges or difficulties that life brings my way.  May I never be willing to dishonour your name with my actions or justify my behaviour when it does not represent the gospel or the Name of Christ well.

I get stuck on two words in this verse. They are  “whatever” and “worthy”.  This whatever happens is not easy to live.  Yet, if the Word is telling me how to live, it has given me what I need to do what it is asking of me.  This means I have to decide.   I have a choice to make.  I can make excuses and say, “it’s too hard”, or I can get mad at God when I don’t like the “whatever” in my life.  Or I can choose to receive what He has made available for me, and live life differently. I want to be someone who chooses to receive what He has made available and to see Him in all things.  I don’t want to be looking for the enemy, I want to be seeking for God in every moment.  If I look, I will find him.  He is there.

Then there is the “worthy” of the gospel.  Wow. For me, this is heavy.  My actions.  Freda’s actions bear witness to the gospel I proclaim.  I can’t pretend that my attitude, my actions, my choices don’t mean anything.  They do.  My choice to slip into an area of compromise in my life has implications to those around me about the message I carry.  I want to be living a life worthy of the message I carry.

How does this apply?  Freda needs to look for God in both the great and difficult moments.  She also needs to evaluate her life in light of Truth and make adjustments to any area that could hinder the gospel that she is a witness of.


  1. Reply
    Sue says:

    Sue, I am your God and your Father. My desire for your life is that you live it in a way that honours our family name and honours the message and life of Christ. Don’t let anything throw you off track or discredit the good news.

    Father, help me to live up to the family name. Help me to live a life that honours the example set forth by Christ. I know that I can’t do this on my own and I know that there is nothing within myself that will ever make me worthy of bearing your family name. It is only through your Holy Spirit that I can even begin to live in such a way. It is only by your patient grace, mercy and love. Please, Father, don’t allow me to be ruled by my circumstances. Don’t let the reality that You have put in place for me be clouded by this world’s reality. Thank you for the privilege of being a servant in Your kingdom.

    I am struck by the reality that “whatever” leaves no wiggle-room. If He asks me to conduct myself in a worthy manner “whatever” then I am able to do exactly that … in His power. One thing I am certain of is that I cannot do it in my own strength. He expects this conduct of me and He is prepared to enable me to do it.
    The concept of being ‘worthy of the gospel of Christ’ again is something that is unattainable without Christ Himself. This life described in this verse has to be a life of complete humility. It requires humility to cast my puny strength aside and accept His. It requires humility to know that I will never conquer the “whatevers” of life without His strength. And Christ Himself set the ultimate example of humility. In fact the message of the gospel of Christ is a message of humility.
    I will not be able to overcome the “whatevers” in my life until I am willing to lay aside anything in myself and cling to my Father. He knows this and He has already made the way for me.

  2. Reply
    Jim Holmes says:

    Whatever happens, I am to conduct myself in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.

    That is, my conversation, my very expression that I live… is to be such that there is an opportunity for me to share the gospel…and my life lived, be that all can see CHRIST in me.

    This means that I now live, yet not I, but it is Christ in me. This means that I must stand fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together of the faith of the gospel, remembering that “ for me to live, is Christ”…”I have the mind of Christ”. The manner of the gospel is “not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake”, having entered into a similar conflict . My Life is not my own, I belong to Jesus. It does not matter what I am going through, He promised never to leave me…I never have to go it alone…He is with me.

  3. Reply
    Susan Craig says:

    Whatever happens-especially in the sudden unexpected things that we have little control over that drop into our lives -we are always responsible for our reactions and actions. At all times,in both good and bad experiences, we are responsible for our own behavior. We need to stop and check our behavior/responses in light of the gospel of Christ- and ask What would Jesus do? What would His response be in this situation? How would He want me to respond in this situation? Then obey Him and follow His example. We do not want to conduct ourselves in a manner unworthy of our calling in Christ Jesus-there are consequences for disobedience and responding out of our fleshly nature. We may not be able to control the happenings of our lives but with God’s help,we can learn to control our responses.
    Lord forgive me for the moments that I don’t follow Your lead and instead react to circumstances in a way that brings dishonor to your name. Help me to stop and take time to listen to you before I respond in a manner that I will regret. Make me worthy of the calling you have given me as a Christian- your follower and as a child of the King. It is only in You that I am worthy. Thank you!

  4. Reply
    Karen says:


    S trong character (Image of Christ)
    T rust in Him and Him alone
    E xpect difficulties
    A ccept your life as He gives it
    D eny the flesh
    Y ield to the Holy Spirit

  5. Reply
    Pat McRae says:

    Ok Pat I want your conversation with whomever to only be a stepping stone into a conversation about my Son, Jesus.
    Good morning Father, I am sure glad You reminded me yesterday that You are and will be always at work in me, fine tuning my behaviours. I really think this is one where the track around the mountain is long and well worn. You know Father I want my conversations to be gentle, encouraging, uplifting, full of light, life and You.
    Help me Holy Spirit to think before I speak. Help me to remember my opinions are not the most important thing. Help me to follow Your lead and not get caught up in the worlds ways.
    Thank You Lord that it was Your joy in this day that lead You to Calvary to pay a price I could never pay. May my conversation convey Your wonderful love, hope, grace and mercy.

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