Day 16 – Hebrews 12:2-3

“Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls.” Hebrews 12:2-3 Message

We place far too much value on our feelings in this generation. We are very much like those we read of in the book of Judges, where everyone did what was right in their own eyes. They did whatever they felt like doing. Sometimes I believe we lift our feelings above the Cross of Christ. In some cases, we even build an altar and worship those feelings. Today, I feel good so, I will do right. Today, I feel good, so I will be nice, be kind, be grateful. But when I don’t feel “it” then I can make all sorts of excuses for not doing right, for blaming others, for whatever bugs me. However, am I really to be led by my feelings? Do my feelings determine truth? Do my feelings tell an accurate story? I am afraid that if we have to trust our feelings to be grateful, we will fail miserably. Why? Because there will always be reasons we can feel ungrateful. And if we place a high value on how we feel, we will feel justified in our ingratitude.
I wonder how Stephen felt in Acts 7 when he was being stoned? Did he feel like being a man who forgives his offenders? Did he feel like focusing on God when the stones were beating against his flesh? Did his feelings gain any place in that moment? No, because he never elevated his pain, feelings, or suffering above the Cross of Christ.
The deeper we journey into this pilgrimage of gratitude, the more I am realizing that ingratitude is rooted in self worship. Now I realize that may be a controversial statement, but ask yourself, what does ingratitude focus on? I think if we are honest, we will see the big “I”, “me”, and “self”. I have never once met a person captivated by the gaze of Jesus and express ingratitude at the same time. Why is that? Maybe because you can’t really see Him as He is and be ungrateful.
Are you struggling today with feeling “it”? I challenge you to remove your gaze from self and to look unto Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith. That my friends, is a reason to be grateful whether our feelings line up or lie profusely. Eyes up! Attitude at His attention! Gratitude overflowing!

Today I am grateful that my feelings do not decide truth. I am thankful that I can choose to abandon those feelings and follow the path that has been laid out before me which leads to life. I am grateful for the reminder of this today. All of our struggles are temporal. He is the Eternal One and my hope is not in what I feel today, but in who I know. Thank you Jesus.


  1. Reply
    Susan Craig says:

    I think as women,we are often overwhelmed with feelings-so many at times, that we do not even begin to understand them. I have to admit that at these times, I spend far too much time focusing on myself-trying to figure out what is going on with me that I miss opportunities of service that the Lord could have placed right in front of me. Maybe instead of examining myself as much as I do, I should focus on Jesus instead of on the feelings and what they mean. I could be so caught up in introspection that I am taking over God’s work of searching my heart instead of just praising Him for His ability to search and understand me and leave it at that. Can we be too self focused?? I think we can and if we allow preoccupation with self take us away from time that could be better spent on actions/doing the will of God-is that really what God’s will is for us??? Once again my mind comes back to focus. Our first focus should always be God-He is always to be first in our minds,hearts and actions-anything else is not His best for us. Feelings can be fickle and they can certainly side-track us from God’s plan for us. Lord help me to keep my focus where it should be-on you! I thank you for these verses of scripture that are so familiar yet so excitingly new and how they continue to teach me how to live for you no matter how old I get. Thank you for being all that you are-Thank you for reminding me everyday that You are sufficient,You are all I need!!Help me to be more like you!!

  2. Reply
    Jim Holmes says:

    Looking and keeping my eyes on Jesus…. Many years ago, my grandfather gave me a little pen and on it was written “For me to live, is Christ”. I didn’t know what that meant then, but then, everything changed when the day came that I called on God for salvation. My heart was desperate to know, to believe, to walk with the One I was told, loved me. And the Lord provided me with a few teachers and He himself brought the written word to life. And I began to see, that I was called to “live” a crucified life…crucified with Christ. That is, notice how in today’s passage, it speaks of Jesus running the race. This race is finished in and with God. We run this race crucified. We won. Death is conquered in knowing the power of His resurrection in us. ” I have been crucified in Christ: it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Gal.2:20 Jesus finished the race we are in. It is by faith finished I can see the goal…me in Jesus, you in Jesus… It comes from the author and finisher of our faith…Jesus. The race is finished with us in Christ, together in Christ Jesus…we run one body in Christ. God so loved us that He gave us His Son…this love of God runs deep in His children…our eyes fixed upon the One we love…a love that suffers long and is kind, it does not envy, does not parade itself, is not puffed up, not rude, does not seek its own, not provoked, and love thinks no evil. God’s love does not rejoice in inequity, but rejoices in truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. This love, God has placed within us, So,…let us run. We’ve won. Thank you Jesus.

  3. Reply
    Pat McRae says:

    WOW! God is amazing! I know everyday, all day we are to fix our eyes on Jesus but since Thursday evening I have not only fixed my eyes but I have been holding tight to that Hand He always extends to His own.
    You see over 25 years ago when I left the Baptist Church to go to an Independent Church the enemy was able to convince me and plant fear in my soul that prayer lines were dangerous territory. His brother the lier also whispered that it was going to be bad for me when they saw in me and exposed all the awful stuff hiding in there. I really did not know what would be so awful but pride came to the rescue quickly and suggested they build a wall with no windows or doors then no one would know. So for all these years prayer lines have scared me more then anything else I could think of. Oh I was ok with the line for healing or to encourage growth in Godly things but not just to receive. Oh no, I am not going in that line of no boundaries, no control on what they may see. I know to the mighty Giants in Christ it sounds so silly but for me it was fact and the unknown was scary.
    But praise God, the originator and perfecter of my faith came along side me. Between continuos praise and worship playing, sermons being preached from the Internet and God’s Word, faith rose up out of the ashes of despair, wisdom rose up out of knowledge and the brothers were evicted and the wall took a mighty blow. Is it done only time will tell but what is not finished my faithful High Priest will expose and help take care of it 🙂
    Jesus, for me, endured the shame of the cross because He knew someday I would need its strength to defeat the enemy of my soul. It so blows me away that I was the joy that made Him endure such pain and shame. And for all these years I was afraid of shame, what shame I do not know, but still afraid of the unknown. But Jesus’ love has sat beside Father God and continually said, “It’s ok Dad she does not know what she is doing, but the day is coming!”
    And now I have considered all He endured from sinners and what do I see? He knows the pain, He knows the struggle, He knows the desire to quit and He knows that it is all a battle in our minds. Why? Because He has won the victory for us. So what does He do? He provides the hamlet of salvation to protect our minds as they are stayed on Him and His amazing love for us. Faith is a very real weapon, mighty against the enemies advances.
    I am so glad and thankful today that Jesus is faithful when I am not. I am so thankful. Although He knows the struggle He always encourages us to fight the good fight of faith, so His freedom is ours. I am so thankful I can trust God to finish the work He has begun in me so my faith grows stronger and stronger. Someday that faith will be strong enough to heal the sick, set the captives free and even raise the dead. The mustard seed is planted and starting to grow, it has been dormant far to long.
    A couple of helps over the last few days: Joyce Myers: What the spirit orders the soul pays for. The spirit ordered freedom now the soul has to get in line and pay the price to achieve it. And a song found on YouTube “Break Every Chain” by Tasha Cobbs, First Baptist Church of Glenarden. The one that runs for around 38 minutes.
    Have a blessed day.:)

  4. Reply
    Sue Holmes says:

    If one were to really study the life of Christ and try to understand the heart that drove Him to endure what He did, there would be no choice but gratitude. The Prince of Peace was spit on, ridiculed, lied about, atacked and murdered … for what? He never lost sight of His ultimate goal … our ransom & His reunion with His Father on the other side of the cross. When I think of what He went through on my behalf, I cannot help but express my gratitude to Him.
    I am thankful for the cross and for the One who would endure it for me.

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