The Humble Road

 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”  2 Chronicles 7:14

At Bethel, we began this year with 2 Chronicles 7:14 being our theme verse for the year.  Not because we need a theme, but because we want God to come forgive, and heal.  We recognize the immense need for a move of God and we want to position our hearts to be recipients of that move, of His Presence.  So, we have attempted to drop to our knees at 7:14 each day to call on Him to bring us closer to His heart. We are not trying to create a form or ritual in calling on Him at that exact time, but attempting to not let a day slip by without seeking Him for this very Word to come to pass in our land and in our lives. We want to be a people who are intentional in our pursuit of Him.

There are a number of key things that this verse addresses and I felt it was time to take a deeper look at them.

Over the next few studies we will look deeper into this verse, but also look at it in light of other passages or stories in Scripture that bear witness to it.

Today we will start with the need for God’s people to humble themselves.

To humble oneself is to declare oneself powerless to defend one’s status and then to act accordingly. (Harper’s Bible Dictionary)

We are familiar with the story of Jonah.  The emphasis has usually been put on him, but today let’s look at the people God sent him to.  The people of Nineveh were wicked and evil.  Perhaps some of the most evil people in history.  God sends Jonah to send in a word of judgement unless they humble themselves and repent.  They immediately respond.  God relents and they are spared immediate judgement.  What caused God to hold back on his anger and to hear them?  It was their act of repentance and humility.

We live in a culture that emphasizes man must push to win, but the kingdom says, we must go lower if we want God’s ear.

To humble oneself can look very different for each of us, but if we want to see God respond to the cry of our hearts, it is necessary.


Micah 6:8 says, “He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth Jehovah require of thee, but to do justly, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”

James 4:10 – “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall exalt you.”

We often do not realize how much our culture has influenced our view of God and how much it has caused us to expect God to do things for us without any personal cost.  May we humble ourselves before Him and choose His heart above all else.  He will respond to a heart that makes Him first.

Would love your thoughts and interaction. Let’s walk this road together toward the Highest Prize, but let’s do it with humble hearts.


  1. Reply
    Susan Craig says:

    Two questions-Is humbling an act/attitude that Christians initiate independently from God or does God bring us to this place of humility through actions on His part first?? Since pride is at the core of sin, is humility at the core of salvation??

    • Reply
      Freda says:

      Very good questions Susan. Scripture tells us that no man can come to the Lord unless drawn by the Spirit. So, from that I believe we could conclude that God must also bring us to a place of humility. With that said, I also believe that His leading us brings us to a place of action. Much like us coming to Him for Salvation. He leads, we respond to that leadership. I personally do not believe we can accomplish any of this independent of God. He is always the initiator of His work in us.
      Secondly, I loved this question/thought. I had never considered it in this manner, but I believe it is absolutely right. Only a sincere heart of humility can truly embrace Salvation. Pride stops us from seeing our need. Humility causes us to see ourselves and our need for Him. Very good question.
      Thanks for sharing 🙂

      • Reply
        Susan Craig says:

        Thank you Freda for your reply to my questions-I agree with your answers and appreciate your clarity. 🙂

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