Just Jesus

“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.” 1 Corinthians 2:2 NIV

I find myself in a place where information is coming at me faster than I can keep up. There is a continual pressure to absorb all that is being unleashed and to accept and buy into every new idea or agenda that is unfolding.

If we are not careful and intentional we may find ourselves successful at information input but lacking the thing that matters most.

When we come to the end of our journey on this earth and stand face to face in the presence of our precious Saviour, it will not matter what our data input was, but whether we made knowing Him our greatest pursuit.

Life is continually changing, the world is moving faster, ministry brings fresh and new challenges continually and in my own strength I cannot keep up. If anything, I am becoming more and more aware that to do this in my own strength means I will have failed at this race.

Could it be that I am starting to get a glimpse into what Paul meant? All his education, all his life experience, all the wisdom he acquired through the hardships he faced on this life journey were not enough. They may have looked like enough to the world, but they were lacking deeply when placed beside what mattered for all eternity. Paul gets it. Jesus, just Jesus.

If I live to be 100 may I continually grow smaller. May my heart not seek for more data input but for more presence. When I need answers to the uncertainties of life may I not seek for them from that which is uncertain itself but may this heart know Jesus and Him crucified. Jesus, just Jesus.


  1. Reply
    Rhonda says:

    Just thinking about this today and actually spoke it out to a friend, a pastor.
    Even in the Christian walk, it’s more about our position, our calling, our destiny, missing the mark and so on…information overflow but yet wondering will we ever be able to achieve what we are supposed to be ..pressure….but, I am finally reaching the place where I am focusing on Jesus and trusting Him to order my steps…just as His word says.
    Great words of wisdom Freda.. thanks for sharing.

    • Reply
      Freda says:

      I do understand what you mean even in our christian journey this can become overcomplicated. I am learning that there really is value to that “one thing” that Mary understood while Martha ran around making things perfect. Jesus really is enough and truly more than enough. Just Him. He is all I really want 🙂

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