“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD himself, is the Rock eternal.” Isaiah 26:3-4 NIV
In the past few weeks we are all fully aware that the world as we have known it has changed. Each day we are presented with the need to continually make adjustments to do our part in helping to overcome this pandemic. For many fear and panic has become the drive of their lives as this has taken them by surprise, but for the believer this should not have taken us in the same manner. For, we have an anchor that is steadfast and sure. Christ really is our hope and keeper and it is in moments like this that we are reminded just how faithful He really is. We need not be driven by fear but the promise of His abiding presence. He already has this entire reality worked out in a way that will bring glory and honour to His Name. How amazing that really is!
While we continue to look to Him, we seek wisdom to know how to respond to this as a church. After much consideration and prayer we feel that for the present moment we would like to continue to gather. We sincerely release anyone who feels any sense of concern or prefers not to gather at this time. For those of us who do gather we will respect the guidelines that have been implemented by our Province. We will not do our regular greeting time and we will ask members to sit at healthy distances from each other within the sanctuary.
We do realize the time may come in the near future where we will no longer be able to gather as we do. Therefore, we are presently making adjustments and seeking wisdom as to how we can obey the Word of God which calls us to gather even more as the day is approaching and yet honour the present day boundaries we are faced with. We know the Father will walk us through this and He will be glorified.
So, we will move ahead with caution and respect for what is being required of us, but understanding that since we are a small group we can continue to meet for the present moment at least. Should the time come that we are no longer able to do this, we would look at posts, videos, and maybe even some type of online interactive group discussion where we could continue to grow together and fellowship in new ways.
When all is said and done, May Jesus be glorified and may His church flourish in this hour. What the world is calling a lockdown may become for those who want more of Him, the greatest time to seek Him they have ever known. Let’s not waste the opportunity to dig deeper into Jesus. Look up believer, your redemption draws nigh!!!