Philippians 4:13

Day 34


Philippians 4:13 NKJV

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Freda is able do all things, not of herself, but through Christ who strengthens and enables her.  She lacks nothing.

May my heart continually be reminded Lord that there is no lack in you.  When I feel inadequate for the task or when my heart is overwhelmed at what may be required of me, I can be confident in you.  You enable my life with your presence and power to do what you ask me to do.  My lack is not your lack, therefore, there is no lack.  You are more than enough and the one who gives my heart and life strength day by day, and moment by moment.    Because of you, Freda is able.  May I keep that truth before my heart and in that order.  It is not about me, but always about you.  What you do, makes the difference for and in me.

It is so easy to focus on our own inability to accomplish something or to see something done.  Yet, when we do that we are obviously looking at our own strength.  I remember a moment in my life when I came to a place where I felt I could not get through it.  I remember speaking to God about the injustices done in my life and heart.  I recall letting God know that this was “too big” and I was “too tired” and “too overwhelmed.”  The amazing thing about God is that He does not say, “fine if that is how you feel.”  He steps in and reminds us of his unfailing love and abiding presence.  He speaks to our inadequacies and reminds our hearts of his all sufficiency.  In that moment of my life, He reminded me that He was Enough.  There is a lot in that.

In this verse, I can do whatever is asked of me, or laid before me because He is enough.  He is my strength, my hope, my “whatever is needed” in that moment to do what he is asking me to do.  It is all in him and all because of him.  How great is that !!!

Application for Freda is choosing to whine less about what I can’t do, and focus more on what He has done and has made available for me.  This is not just for the big moments of life, but for my everyday “mountains and hills.” He is enough for them all.


  1. Reply
    Karen says:


    E ngage my source……Christ
    N o compromise……Karen CAN
    E nthusiastically live…….”all things”
    R emember who is the strength giver
    G rab hold of this strength
    Y ield as He takes me through the “all things”

  2. Reply
    Sue says:

    Sue, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

    I think that the additional comments that the Amplified Translation gives this verse sums it up so well … “[I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infuses inner strength into me; I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency].
    This is another of those Bible verses that has been used so often in just about any circumstance that we say it sometimes without even hearing what we are saying. The words come out but they don’t reach the ears.
    If I am to apply this verse I need to realize that there is nothing lacking. Everything I need is in Christ and He has made it available to me. It is up to me to ‘put on Christ’. David, the shepherd boy had a choice when he faced the giant in his life. He was offered the strength and protection of the world … a suit of armour. He was smart enough to know that what the world offered wouldn’t do the job. He had all that he needed in his God. He was ‘self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency’. The Apostle Paul realized that our weapons of war aren’t carnal. He clearly pointed out the armour necessary in Ephesians.
    This verse dovetails so well with the other verses we focused on this week. They all point to God’s strength replacing my weakness.
    Father, I accept your strength and thank you for it. I pray that my weakness will be replaced by your strength. I pray to be continually reminded that whatever You take me through, I will know that You are going through it with me. Infused with Your strength I am ready for anything.

  3. Reply
    Susan Craig says:

    I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength

    His strength is perfect when my strength is gone
    He carries me when I can’t carry on
    Raised in His power,the weak become strong
    His strength is perfect
    His strength is perfect

    Praising Jesus and thanking Him for giving me His perfect strength so that I am able to do all things through Him.

  4. Reply
    Pat McRae says:

    Yes, Yes, Yes I really can do all things because Christ has so strengthened me with His love, grace, hope and peace.
    Oh Father Your Words are so precious to me. And this Word is so encouraging. So why when I am up against the wall and my mind is racing do I forget that I can do all things? Why when I try something I can’t do it?
    WOW! Just got my answer God is so good to me!
    I have been trying to do it in my strength and not His. So now to understand how to go forward in His strength. I think this takes me back to stop worrying and go forward in prayer, asking for what I need to do the impossible with a heart so full of thanksgiving it is bursting.
    Lord help me to put Your Words into action, let me walk the talk so the talk doesn’t become just talk.

  5. Reply
    Jim Holmes says:

    Phil. 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

    I love this scripture…because it tells me I can do all God’s will through Christ by Whom I am made spiritually strong. You see, Jesus is in me, and I in Him…and you and I are one in Jesus, one body in Christ. You are in Christ Jesus. You make me strong…! Let me give you an example… I have a very special sister in Christ Jesus who prayed for me tonight. Now, if I put her in Phil.4:1, she prayed for me as her “brother, dearly beloved and longed for, her joy and crown, that as her joy and crown, I stand fast in the Lord, and am dearly beloved.” This strengthens me. This love comes from the heart of Jesus…it is the heart of God for us His church, the body of Christ, Jesus the head. Likewise, I cherish you in Christ. Because I love Him, because I love you with the love of the Lord, I will stand fast in the Lord. God’s love, that agape kind of love will never separate us from God, and can never separate us who are knit together as one body in His love. This expensive, extreme love of God gave us His Son to die for us…laying down His life for us. You are dearly loved…we are loved. I got to say that in spite of all the difficulties, factions, misunderstandings in the body….I recognize that this comes from carnality, the flesh, but oh…just get a gasp of the real picture, that we walk in the Spirit, Christ in us…the flesh dies away, and I can love the unlovely, I can see beyond the sin, I can see Jesus in you…I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Love transforms us. God is love.

    Being of the “same mind in the Lord” (4:2) means that you can understand what it means both to have a relationship with God and one another in Christ. This strengthens me…the mind of Christ in you!

    God wants us to bring our requests to Him with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving in everything. I can go to the Father, because He is my Father in Christ Jesus! If I do this, “the peace of God, which passes all understanding shall keep my heart and mind through Christ Jesus” (4:7) This strengthens me. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    Paul speaks in 4:15, 18 concerning the church communicating with him as regards giving and receiving, and things sent to him, a sacrifice acceptable, wellpleasing to God. In 4:19 he says to the church “but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” The church having the “heart” of Christ and this assurance of God’s faithfulness to supply all my needs in Christ Jesus”….”supplied according to his riches in glory”…This strengthens me. This makes me want to remain in Christ….it is in Christ that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

    God loves you… I love you.

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