The Way!

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6 NIV

While there is so much uncertainty in our present world, it is vital for us to be able to hold onto something sure and fixed. It does not take long to realize that there are not many things we can trust with full and complete assurance. Actually, there is only One. His name is Jesus.

Over the past decade and then some we have seen how our world has lost a sense of anything absolute when we talk about truth. It is like we have gone from a place where we knew what was certain to a place where nothing at all is certain. The problem with this is that when we need that which is certain, but we have thrown out certainty, it leaves a sense of hopelessness. Why? Because we need to know that someone or something has the mess of this moment taken care of, and if there is nothing absolute, and truth is easily adjusted then we have no way through this present time of unknowns.

Fortunately, even if many do not believe in absolute Truth, it does not change the fact that He is just that, absolute Truth. He is the One we can be sure has not changed and has not moved while the world and even the church has continued to find other ways, He remains the Only way.

What we all need right now is the reminder that we have a fixed point of reference in Christ that helps us find our way through this moment but also reminds us that He is the way through it.

Let’s consider some things about a fixed point of reference:

  1. It is separate from you. We are not the place we build our safety or lives upon, Christ is.
  2. It does not move. It means I can’t pack it into my little box and walk away with it to pull out when I need it. Once a point of reference moves it is no longer able to be that fixed point anymore. We move, but it does not.
  3. It is constant. It never changes. It is timeless.

Jesus is our fixed point of reference. He is the way through this moment, but He is also the way to the Father. If we start leaning toward any belief that “my” truth is enough, then we will find ourselves in a place where my changing truth continues to adjust itself to whatever outside pressures are being applied. It isn’t separate from me. It moves as the culture changes, and it is constantly changing. When I need something that is sure, it will be missing because I will have built my life around nothing absolute.

Declaring that Christ is absolute Truth is not popular, but in a world that needs a fixed point of reference, in this very hour it it vital that we as believers hold very close to our fixed point of reference. He is the way through this, and He is the way home. Knowing this is vital to helping others get home too.


  1. Reply
    Sue Holmes says:

    The Way … my take away

    First thing is, thank you so much for this reminder from our Father.
    What a quarantine period this is turning out to be! We have just finished the 8th week since the talk of quarantine started becoming reality in Nova Scotia. It has affected each of us differently and we will each have our own story to pass down to those coming after us.
    Last evening was a “hitting the wall” moment for me … or maybe “slamming against the wall”. ☺ Emotionally tired, very leaky eyes & sleep that was reluctant, I started taking inventory of the past couple months. The list went something like this:
    1. A niece undiagnosed but bearing all the symptoms of covid. (they only tested ‘travellers’ at that point). And waiting for test results for a couple other family members who thankfully tested negative.
    2. My brother found alone & deceased on the floor of his apartment. (I had wondered with his health challenges if he would still be with us when this season was over.) I have come to realize just how close we were, how much was left unsaid & how deeply missed he is.
    3. Numerous elderly senselessly taken from just one of our many senior care homes by an invisible viral threat. So many who still had wisdom & life stories to pass on to the generations following.
    4. A mass shooting leaving so many families torn and broken.
    5. Three young members of the military from our home province taken from us too soon,
    6. A 3 year old precious child disappearing from his family. A mother who will face this mother’s day with an emptiness that cannot be filled.
    7. And finally, all the faces that were once seen at least weekly or more that have been dearly missed. The hugs, the smiles that have been denied. A necessary sacrifice to help ensure the well-being of those we love. (It was so great seeing you all last Sunday, even if it was from ‘waving distance’.)
    This is just my story. Each of us has had our own struggles to work through. That one can easily get lost in the day to day of isolation is our reality. But what is more real is that we do have that point of reference … Jesus Christ. And He has blessed us with His Holy Spirit to comfort, guide, empower & direct us to Christ.
    Jesus is indeed our reference point & our anchor. John chapter 1 presents Jesus as the Word …. constant, steady & eternal. How comforting to know that He is our tested stone, a precious cornerstone for a sure foundation; the one who relies on it will never be stricken with panic.” (Isaiah 28:16) And the assurance of knowing that “we who have fled to take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” (Hebrews 6:18-19) We can be assured that He is always there, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. (Isaiah 41:10)
    There are so many reminders in scripture of the immoveable God. Thank you for bringing us back, over & over again, to the Word of Truth. Thank you for the reminder that His worthiness, strength, & faithfulness has little to do with my
    belief level. He is my constant strong tower, my undefeatable champion. There is so much more that can be said but it is enough to know that in whatever season, and in whatever circumstance – He is enough and we have every reason to have ‘Rock solid Hope’ for a magnificent future to grab hold of.
    Something I came across this evening, “To realize the worth of the anchor we need to feel the storm.” One more reason to give thanks for what may feel very much like a storm at times. “Christ alone – cornerstone. Weak made strong in the Savior’s love. Through the storm He is Lord. Lord of all.”

    Thank you Pastor for being true to the Word.

    “but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press ontoward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:12-14)

  2. Reply
    j.Holmes says:

    The Way…

    Years ago I remember being at a Christian youth camp on PEI… listening, hungry at heart, to learn about Jesus… and Rev. Ted MacDougal ministered there… teaching us and his teaching went something like this…

    “Imagine being outside and its very dark. Night has fallen and you can’t see anything. And then, you see a glimmer of light and you begin to travel towards it, are drawn to it… and as you do, it begins to take shape… you see… the cross. That is it… a brightly lit cross in the darkness of night. As we grow as Christians, there is a picture of the cross growing in us. The cross is lit by the flood lamp we do not see… the Person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit draws us to Christ Jesus… to follow Him. “ The Way everlasting is through the Cross… the only Way.

    The Truth will bring you there. Many will pursue fables, their own way. You will find Truth if you look for truth. Jesus is the Truth.

    Darkness is not knowing Eternal Life. Knowing God is Eternal Life. In Him is no darkness and He overcame the darkness. Jesus is the Light of the world. Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life. He is not on the cross… the empty cross shouts “He is risen.” May we know the power of the cross. May we know the Way.

    We are a new creation in Christ Jesus.

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